Stockalyze with new update is now beta. You can download beta version from here (https://stockalyze.com/download/beta.html). Followings are the new entrants into Stockalyze:
- Many new time frames (i.e. chart periodicity): 10 minutes, 2 hr, 3 hr, and 4 hr chart periods are now possible.
- ASCII data import: Now import ASCII data in CSV format and use that in Stockalyze.
- Metastock data import: While Stockalyze supported Metastock data earlier too but now it is more streamlined as another data source. With this update you can use all data sources like Yahoo, Tiingo, Alphavantage, ASCII data source, and metastock data sources simultaneously.
- Many bug fixes and improvements: Many issues reported by users and found internally have been resolved and fixed and some improvements have also been made.
Documentation of above features are still in the making but I hope it is easily discoverable and can be used.
I have made a demonstration video (https://youtu.be/Jx1dNsDRJl4) to explain how to import ascii data into Stockalyze. I hope it will be helpful in understanding how to use this feature.Wish you happy Stock Analysis using Stockalyze.
Despite everything, am unable to open 5 min Metastock Data from a local folder. A bit disappointed . Waiting a long time for this feature.
Hmmm. I can understand. I will focus on improvement of reading Metastock data. As of now it reads EoD data pretty well. Intraday day has different format and I haven't spent time on that. I will work on it soon.