I was using the composite indicator, it is a great help but it has some limitations or I did not use it in the right way.
1) I had made a composite indicator of 3 SMA lines (5-50-100) I had formatted the SMA 5 as dotted, SMA 50 as long dash and the SMA 100 as a solid line, all lines in blue. The composite indicator has all solid lines and different colors. How can I get the formatting as in the chart where I made the composite indicator?
2) I noticed that I can not change the composite indicator or did I something wrong?
3) Is it possible to delete a composite indicator ?
Kind regards
Huub Poppelaars
Hi Huub Poppelaars,
Unfortunately the answer to your first 2 questions are that the behavior is as expected and you did nothing wrong. If you think Composite Indicators should have these features then I can add them in new update.
The answer to the 3rd question is that it is possible to delete a composite indicator but not from within the Stockalyze. You need to delete a file at "%appdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\composites", the name of the file is same as the name of the composite indicator. After you delete this file you need to restart the Stockalyze to make it forget about the composite indicator.
I will add this feature in next update.
It would be great if the composite indicator has the same base formatting as the underlying indicators.
Iam an old man:), who likes modest colors and I reformat in general the most indicators.
Sacha it would be a nice to have, but I can imagine that you have more important things for the next updates.
Kind regards