Please review Stockalyze:


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Topics - Carlos

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Stockalyze not function
January 08, 2025, 09:07:09 AM
Dear Sacha,
After I installed the new update,
Stockalyze Failed to load shared libary 'C:\Programe Files\Lunetek Stockalyze\data_downloader.lyzx' (error 126: The specified module could not be found.)

I am from Hong Kong
I am using window 7, stocks data download ceased on 29.5.2024.  Can I still use stockalyze on this computer for Hong Kong Stocks and Index.
I have another computer and upgraded to window 10.  However, previously stocks data from from Hong Kong all vanished and required individually add security, but with error noted.  Please help.  
I cannot receive your email to reactivate the log-in.
Please help.
General Discussion / Registration count down to 1
February 25, 2020, 02:16:36 AM
I have this programe installed on two computers.  Previously due to hard disk failure on my old laptop, I had made two clean installations.  Now, I  have got virus attack and prepare to made another clean installtion.  Can you please help to reset this to 4 or 3, caused I don't want to run out of count.


I have noted that there is a discrepancy in the point and figure chart at the high-low level configuration.

When the price box of the chart is fixed, low level column "O" should not be entered when it did not reach the price.  

The stock price is now $50
The price box is $0.5
It reversed to $47.30 then goes up again,
It Should have five "O" entered
But your chart generated six "O"
The result is, the chart generated did not reflects the real situation and the trend line created will be ambiguous.

Much grateful if you could look into the matter.