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Topics - Ronaldo

Hi Sacha. I have a question.

Is thare a condition which ends the trade after a number of bars?

Because i have a settup that, after the entry signal, ends the trade on an out signal or maximum of 5 days after the entry signal. I have tried but couldn't find this condition.

Thanks for your support

General Discussion / Data From CSV File
October 25, 2019, 01:19:28 PM
Hi, I Have exported from MT5 a csv file that contais an index intraday data I want to do some backtest, I couldn't find this index I want in Yahoo and Alpha Vintage data. That file contains Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Tick and Volume. Is it possible to import this data to Stockalyse to do backtest?

Hi, i'm having a problem when Backtesting Short Position Trading Systems. When a chose an "only short position" strategy I created the system ignores it, whith long positions it's normal. How can i fix this? Thanks.