I was introduced yesterday to your fine program through a chat in a private room in Brazil. But nobody could answer (and I couldn't find it either on your website) if Stockalyze can do intraday backtesting of the BRASYLIAN STOCKS AND INDEX - metatrader has a MAJOR problem with our stock exchange data and is not reliable, so it's a concern of mine if Stockalyze can manage it - or, if not, how can I import the data I already have exported in CSV from my tranding program (the data is reliable) in order to backtest with Stockalyze. In a nut shell, can Stocklyze run intraday backtesting of the brasylian stock market and, if not, can I import CSV data into Stockalyze? Thanks.
I was introduced yesterday to your fine program through a chat in a private room in Brazil. But nobody could answer (and I couldn't find it either on your website) if Stockalyze can do intraday backtesting of the BRASYLIAN STOCKS AND INDEX - metatrader has a MAJOR problem with our stock exchange data and is not reliable, so it's a concern of mine if Stockalyze can manage it - or, if not, how can I import the data I already have exported in CSV from my tranding program (the data is reliable) in order to backtest with Stockalyze. In a nut shell, can Stocklyze run intraday backtesting of the brasylian stock market and, if not, can I import CSV data into Stockalyze? Thanks.