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Topics - Christine

Hello,  I noticed that the data from Yahoo for CANN is not up to date.  It stopped in July.  So the last date in the chart is July.

Can you take a look?  Please email and let me know when you have it fixed.  Thanks.

Thank you very much in advance.
Have a great Friday & Weekend.

Is there a way to change existing chart from one data source to another data source (ex: Google to Yahoo) but keeping all the existing techcnical analysis (drawings, notes, etc...) and chart setting?

1) Still can't get the data from Yahoo.
Here is the error message:  Failed to get price history.  Please check your internet connection.

I tried on two diff machines on two diff locations/building.  There was no problem with internet.

2) Data from Google is still missing the last two days.

1) New chart can't get data from Yahoo.... only data from Google.  Do you have any idea why?

2) Sometime can't get the latest data for the chart.  For example, today is 9/7/2017 and the chart only shows data up to 9/5/2017.  

Refresh chart won't do it.
Create new chart won't do it.

I'm interested in this stock SLNO.  But before buying, I would like to do some technical analysis.
Using Lunetek Stockalyze 2014, there is no data.
Any idea why?  The stock is listed for more than a decade.

Thanks & have a great day,