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Messages - Tony

Feature & Enhancement Requests / Missing Tickers
October 04, 2019, 11:09:53 AM
Sometimes I get tickers from FinViz or other websites and I want to run those tickers through
stockalyze Backtesting, etc.

When a ticker is missing (sometimes the list can be more than five) is it possible to have an option in the popup window listing the missing tickers, to add these tickers then, instead of canceling your operation to add them, then re-start your operation?

Presently I have a screen capture utility to capture the tickers so that I remember which ones they were.

Your thoughts.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: XML parsing error
September 13, 2019, 06:21:08 AM
I have never opened this file except for yesterday to see if that was causing the error since I noticed I had lost the alerts when I displayed the portfolio.

One thing to note, I have had problems with my computer lately, causing me to power down and reboot.

I guess it's possible that I powered down while the file was being written back, if it does write back on closing the program.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / XML parsing error
September 12, 2019, 04:26:21 PM
I'm using version build dated 9/8/3029 and when I launch it I get an error "XML parsing error: 'unclosed token' at line 27".

I thought it may be related to my alert file since I seem to have lost them.

I looked at the altert_repo file and it was missing the close "/>" symbol on the last line.

Once I corrected it all is fine.

These are the last few lines of the file BEFORE I corrected it:
  <AlertSetting Type="10" PriceOfInterest="25.0000">
    <Security Name="Yahoo!|US.AMEX.STOCK|ESP" LastEvaluationTime="20190910152401000">
      <Alert TimeStamp="20190812000000000" Status="2"/>
      <Alert TimeStamp="20190813000000000" Status="2"

Not sure how it removed or failed to put it in the file.

Thanks Sacha. No worries.
These small things don't stop from using your product daily. You have done excellent work improving it.
Again thanks for your hard work.


Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Small Issues (annoyances)
September 10, 2019, 04:24:34 PM
Hi Sacha. I hope all is well with you.

I have some small annoyances that I hope you can remedy while you address more important issues.

When displaying a chart I must click it to make it the active window in order to scroll to my indicators.

When changing the time span in a chart, sometimes the info boxes on the left do not appear, when you change back and forth they will finally appear.

When changing time from 2 year to 3 months, the 3 month display isn't the current timeframe, in my test, it shows timeframe of 5/18/2001-8/16/2001 after viewing a 2YR chart and switching back to 3M. Can you default it to current timeframe on the right side of the chart?

The report generated by "Scan Ideas", can you re-draw the shading when you re-sort the list? Now, The shading "follows" the item, so they become bunched up. Sometimes I sort by Signal, and othertimes I sort by Last Price depending on my objective.

When you display a chart of an ticker, you lose the highlight on the report. Can you keep the row highlighted so you don't lost track of what you just viewed when viewing the chart and going back to the report?

I know these are very minor, but I just want you to know how "we" use your program, and what can be done to improve it.

Love all the recent changes you've made. Thank you for all your hard work.

Thanks Sacha,
I hope your traveling was for fun and relaxation.
I have checked the beta version and it works correctly.
Thank you for all you do to keep Stockalyze improving.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Transaction Price Date
August 02, 2019, 11:51:38 AM
I notice that when I enter a new transaction (ticker:YTEN) and choose yesterdays date, since you can't use today's date, the transaction price used is today's price, not yesterdays price.
In the example yesterday's(8/1) close price was .82 and today's current price is .85.
When I enter the transaction and use the button to Get Price, it uses today's price as the transaction price.
I can enter the correct price and it's fine.

Question: Shouldn't the "Get Price" use the date selected for the price? It seems to default to "latest" price.

Thanks Sacha.
You're amazing at responding with fixes quickly.

I'll catch the fix on your next update when it's available.

Hi Sacha.
I notice that when I sort the portfolios, the chart display doesn't change.
I hope I can explain clearly.

If I display a portfolio then select a line within the portfolio, the chart changes.
But then sort on a different column, the chart doesn't change and the highlight bar doesn't de-select in it's line position, and you can't display the chart on whatever the new line item is under the selection, until you select a different line then go back.

It looks like the highlight needs to follow the item when re-sorting instead of staying stationary on the re-sort.

To me it's not a terrible thing since the work around is to select another item then go back.


Wow, thanks for the quick solution.
It appears to be fixed, I can sort by any columns and switch back and forth and switch to other portfolios and sort correctly. I'll continue to watch for any discrepancies.

Thanks again. You are an amazing person.

Hi Sacha.
I have noticed that if I view the "Consolidated" portfolio, I can sort by each of the columns.
But if I view a specific portfolio, and sort, say on the %Gain column, then if I select a different column heading to sort, I can't go back to the %Gain column and re-sort unless I select a column that has not been sorted on yet.
I notice that when I sort on a column within a specific portfolio, the little triangle indicating the direction of the sort doesn't go away when I select a different column. But it does in the "Consolidated" listing.
I hope I have explained this clearly.

I'll send the file, but I discovered that maybe the commission is not getting flushed as I entered another transaction WITH a commission, which was correct, then followed it with a transaction without a commission and the second transaction was incorrect.

I normally enter a commission, but without a commission it shows incorrect values.
I have attached a screenshot of "AAC" stock with a purchase price of .9199, but the transaction price shows 1.9199 with no commission added. Also the Investment is incorrect.
Now I'm confused to find rhyme or reason.
See attached screenshot.

Addition to previous post. All the portfolios vary in the problem.
Some have 20 cents added to the Transaction price and others have 12 cents added. But all the individual lines (expanded) are correct.
It appears something is left over in a buffer that is part of the portfolio calculations.
Just a wild guess.

I think a new problem was introduced.
When I enter a new transaction(Buy) the Transaction price in the "summary" line, there is one dollar added to the transaction. If you expand to see the individual transaction, that price is correct. So, immediately the Gain column reflects incorrect (negative) gains.
