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Topics - dushyant

General Discussion / Live Data
May 11, 2020, 04:38:52 AM
First let me compliment on simple to use at the same time extremely powerful software.
Some questions before I pay for software:
1. Can I import LIVE data? In India, we have trade terminals like NEST, NOW, ODIN, Pi which allow you to export LIVE data (50 symbols) in Excel which is auto-updating as long as termianl is connected. Can I get tick/1 minute/3 min / 5 min LIVE chart in Stockalyze?
2. Can I run sscreener on LIVE data (in watchlist or chart) for eg 3 min trading system scan to get intraday BUY/SELL alerts?
3. Can you enable sound for alerts?
4. Some really polular indicators are missing like 'Supertrend' indicator?