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Messages - Sacha

General Discussion / Re: Choosing winning formulas
October 08, 2019, 06:51:00 AM
No and there can't be any. Different stocks can have different winning Trading Systems and that's why in Stockalyze you can test all the Trading Systems at once with multiple stocks and see which Trading Systems work best. Test all the systems and then chose the winner. Testing all Systems is easy in Stockalyze.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: EOD
October 07, 2019, 03:44:59 PM
Yes, they are there. You can access them through Chart menu or shortcut keys. See the attached image.
Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: Missing Tickers
October 04, 2019, 02:00:24 PM
It's is a nice suggestion. If I think aloud; how about hooking it with "Symbol Import"? There can be a check-box on Import Symbols dialog that will say "insert symbol if not found"? So, if you have a list of well defined symbols for which you can provide information like Country and Exchange then those symbols can be added if not already present.

Please let me know if this will be an adequate solution in your view.

Assuming I have understood you correctly, I have created a short demo video to show how you can do it in Stockalyze. Please have a look and excuse my accent :)
Sorry, I couldn't understand what you meant. Can you please elaborate a bit? How exactly the chart will look? An example will be great.
Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: software developement
September 30, 2019, 04:36:38 PM
Quoteon new chart window give mini toolbar with combo box to select scrip and exchange ,so we can change sccrip in same chart window, its tedious job to close everytime and open new chart window
Nice suggestion. But Stockalyze supports many countries and exchanges and we want to give flexibility to user to select any country and exchange. It's a bit tedious to support quick scrip selection for any country inside a small combo box.
Regarding creating new chart I will suggest to use shortcuts, like Ctrl+N for new EoD chart, Ctrl+I for new intraday chart. It will work much faster than combo box solution. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

Quoteoverall software is too good
Thank you very much :)

Quoteand also give option to set default template.
There already is a way to set default template. Hit Ctrl+K and set a default template (among other things too).
General Discussion / Re: intraday point & figure charts
September 30, 2019, 04:27:01 PM
I had replied to your query. Please see my response here
I am glad you like it.
I have created a new video for demonstrating how to do the required setup in easy steps for intraday charting in Stockalyze. Please have a look and let me know if you have questions. You can see the video here.

I have created a new video for demonstrating how to do the required setup in easy steps for intraday charting in Stockalyze. Please have a look and let me know if you have questions.

General Discussion / Re: Strategy entry and exit prices
September 16, 2019, 04:58:46 PM
As of now it always picks the closing price. We can make it configurable. But I don't think it is very important. Do you have strong opinion about it?
First cut beta version is ready for feedback. More work is in progress but you can see how Math Operations can be used to create custom indicator. I created a short video to explain how you can plot MA+2*ATR and MA-2*ATR on a chart.
It's a beta for testing and your feedback is eagerly awaited. :)

You can use Yahoo! data provider when scanning for stocks. AlphaVantage provides intraday price data and so you can choose to use AlphaVantage for intraday charting only.

Please note that Stockalyze provides multiple data providers. As of now Yahoo, AlphaVantage, and Tiingo. Different data providers have different benefits and you can chose to use one in some case and another for other cases.

Please let me know if it helps.

General Discussion / Re: Manage Alerts
September 13, 2019, 11:11:40 PM
As of now Alerts are evaluated only with end-of-day price data and also it is evaluated at the start of the session.
So, these might be the reason why you don't see the alert. If price moved during the day but end of the day price doesn't conform to alert condition you will not get the alert.

Please let me know if these are the reason you don't see the reason.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: XML parsing error
September 13, 2019, 07:43:03 AM
QuoteOne thing to note, I have had problems with my computer lately, causing me to power down and reboot.

I guess it's possible that I powered down while the file was being written back, if it does write back on closing the program.

You nailed it and I was suspecting something like this but it is very low probability. But anyways, I am glad it was because of some very rare scenario of powering off the computer at the "wrong" time. :)