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Messages - Sacha

Yes, I received the data. Thank you.
It is not crashing for me but I do see that we have problem deciphering the format of data you have.
I am not sure if the data is indeed correct. Can you use this metastock data with other application? Can you confirm if the data is infact valid?

General Discussion / Re: print
April 17, 2018, 04:17:07 PM
Yes. Sort of.
You can export chart as image and then you can print it.
I have sent you an email and you can reply to that with the data.
Also, please let me know the exact steps that leads to crash..


This is certainly very sad to here. I hope the Metastock data you have is good. I would like to see the problem myself. If you want we can use Google Remote Desktop to collaborate and see the problem happening on your computer. If you are willing then please let me know your convenient time.

You can go to "Data->Change Database" and select Metastock data in the appearing dialog.
Please try it and let me know if you face any problem.

General Discussion / Re: Changes to Google and Yahoo
March 31, 2018, 04:27:16 AM
Hi Tony,
Thank you for liking Stockalyze. We try to keep pace with changes done by Yahoo and Google. But certainly we are vulnerable to changes they make and we do have plans to add other data sources so that the risk will be mitigated.

General Discussion / Re: Problem in registering
March 31, 2018, 04:20:54 AM
Where did you download 2012 version from?

By the way there is no Lite version or Pro version in 2014. Please register the 2014 version you have and it will run in pro mode. In 2014 the same software runs in Pro and Lite mode depending upon whether you have registered or not.

I hope it will work as you expect.
Please let me know if you need any help.

Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: scanner
March 26, 2018, 04:03:25 PM
I didn't get your suggestion. Please elaborate what you are suggesting.

If a symbol is not present in Stockalyze you can always add it yourself. It is very easy to do so. Please see and add the symbol that you think is missing. If you need help please let me know, I will be happy to show you how to do that.
OK. We will add this to new update.

General Discussion / Re: EODdata
March 14, 2018, 03:30:44 PM
Which Symbol you are talking about?
Anyways, Stockalyze downloads data from google and yahoo if they have not updated the data Stockalyze cannot do anything about it.
Do you see this problem with symbols from all exchanges or only with symbols of one particular exchange.
Sorry for late reply.
Currently it is not present in Stockalyze but can be added.
Will .csv format be sufficient?

General Discussion / Re: Data
March 05, 2018, 01:40:30 AM
Stockalyze doesn't have feature to print the chart, however you can export the chart as image (by hitting F8) and then print the image.
Regarding "no data" problem can you please elaborate more?

Do you see Pakistani symbols on google or yahoo? If you do then they can be added to Stockalyze too.
Please let me know examples of symbols you see on google or yahoo.

Doing it automatically for world wide stocks is quite a challenge.
But, Stockalyze has a method so that you can add your own stocks or indices and they will remain even when Stockalyze is updated.
Please have a look at
