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Messages - Sacha

Can you please tell me which for stock and which data provider you are getting this error?
Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: indicator
June 28, 2020, 11:24:48 PM
As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

General Discussion / Re: Live Data
June 28, 2020, 11:22:18 PM
As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

General Discussion / Re: Indicators
June 28, 2020, 11:21:07 PM
As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

As you had requested, I have added few new indicators to Stockalyze:

  • ST       : Supertrend Indicator
  • RVI      : Relative Vigor Index
  • CE       : Chandelier Exit
  • VWAP     : Volume Weighted Average Price
  • MVWAP    : Moving Volume Weighted Average Price

Can you please download beta version and give it a try?

General Discussion / Re: Sell Signal - RSI2
June 24, 2020, 04:28:55 PM
As you know this functionality is currently lacking. I am now trying to do many improvements in Stockalyze and this is one of them. I hope I will soon be able to inform you about availability of this feature in Stockalyze.
Please stay tuned. :)
Hi Jean -Luc,
Many thanks for your patience.

I have implemented all of this and you can use them in latest build which is now beta. Please download it from here and let me know if this is what you wanted.

General Discussion / Re: Data ownload
June 24, 2020, 12:46:25 PM
There is no difference between Lite and Pro version as far as data download is concerned.
When you see data is not updated in Stockalyze then most likely case is that the latest data is not available at the data source.
You have have noticed that Stockalyze downloads data from third party data providers like Yahoo, Alphavantage, Tiingo, etc. If the data is there at the source Stockalyze will fetch it and make it available.
If you come across a case where Stockalyze doesn't show updated data even when the chosen data provider has updated it then only it is the problem of Stockalyze.
I am planning to make it easier to do this check by the user.
If you see data not updated you can let me know the exact symbol and country then I will try to see it myself.
Sorry for replying late on this.

Thanks you for reporting it.
I have now fixed it and also added thousand separators. Hopefully we will soon have an update with these changes.

Yes, Indian market too is supported. Just give it a try. Did you face any problem?
Sorry for missing to reply.

"Chandelier Exit" is something that you can define yourself. I know documentation for this feature is missing but I hope I will do that one day.

I will add "Relative Vigor Index" soon. I will let you know when it is done.
General Discussion / Re: YAHOO FINANCE - JAPAN
June 23, 2020, 01:44:47 PM
I get it. But scrapping this page is a bit tedious. Do you have a list in plain format? In that case adding that to Stockalyze will be very easy for me.
General Discussion / Re: Tiingo intraday data
June 20, 2020, 02:47:43 AM
Not sure if Tiingo provides realtime data but you can integrate your own data provider. Stockalyze supports importing ASCII data and MetaStock data and they work as data source. So, if you can do a setup where you can create ASCII or Metastock data then you will have Stockalyze using your data.

Please let me know if you need any help regarding this. I will be glad to help you.