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Topics - Joel

Hi Sacha,

I am trying to register my perpetual license without success. I tried with the latest version but as the licensing moved to subscription mode only I did not expect it to work. I uninstalled and re installed v20171112 but still get the error message. I am running W10 v1803 and I have a working internet connection BUT when I want to use the 'report a Problem' functionality, it seems the message cannot be posted and an error box pops up asking to 'check my internet connection'? I now reached the 'too many attempts for registration' threshold...

Do you have any advise on what I should do to make it work again?

Many thanks in advance

Thank you a lot for this excellent product, offering a wide range of possibilities to non pros at a very reasonable price.  
I was wondering if there is a way to modify the colors (background and characters) of that light-blueish, turquoise ohlc panel present on each chart? It is really annoying when changing the background color of the chart window to be darker, the color of the characters automatically swap to lighter or white and by so the info becomes barely readable. Only solution I found is to keep a bright chart background tiring for the eyes. Any advise or way to change this would be apprecaited.

many thanks in adavnce

Dear Sacha,

I am not sure, when playing with the trading systems how to set and / or interpret the M (during) and N (previous) days in conditions? E.g. take the ADOSC TS, the MACD condition is set to occur during M 5 and N 0 previous. I guess the N 0 stands for today but what does M 5 mean? When I set m 0 (or whichever) and n 5 and close, the tool set M back to 5 and N to whichever I put. M 1 and N 1 gives set the condition to occur the previous day, how would I set a condition to at least occur once in the past 3 days, m3n3?

Many thanks again for your support

Your Kind Words / I liked Stockalyze
February 22, 2017, 11:06:24 AM
Stockalyze is cool, for sure and support rocks! I had a little change request and a couple of questions, all were answered and implemented within days.