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New update with fixed downloader is released

Started by Sacha, December 28, 2024, 04:57:19 PM

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Hi Stockalyzers,
We are sorry that the Yahoo downloader of Stockalyze was broken for a long time.

But the good news is that the problem is now fixed.

We have integrated yfinance to download price history from Yahoo.
It is important to uninstall the previous version of Stockalyze and then only install the new one.

Please report about any problem you may encounter.

We wish you happy Stockalyzing experience as before.
Stockalyze Support
Let's be friends

Huub Poppelaars


I installed the new Stockalyze software, afte uninstalling the previous version. I deleted also all not uninstalled parts of the program in Users\Appdata with regard to Stockalyze. So I had a real clean installation

I started to iput my transactions and got the error message "Please provide valid quantity".
If I give an input of 1 in the box it changes to 1,0000. With every number I tried it is the same.
4 digits are added to the whole number.

Sacha, please look at this bug.

Kind regards


Stockalyze Support
Let's be friends


Hi Huub,
A new update with the fix is now available. Please update your installation. This time you don't need to uninstall the existing version.

Please give it a try and let me know if you have any problem.
Stockalyze Support
Let's be friends

Huub Poppelaars


Thanks, the problem is solved with the new update!

Kind regards