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Messages - Sacha

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Data is not loading
October 17, 2024, 03:56:11 PM
Hi Porus,
WE are aware about the problem and this problem has repeated recently. This time Yahoo has changed a lot and made it difficult to download. That's the reason it is taking some time.
There is a yfinance utility that downloads from Yahoo reliably. We are in process of integrating that to Stockalyze and that should solve this problem once and for all, hopefully.
Please have patience and in the meantime try to use other data providers bundled with the Stockalyze.
I hope Yahoo data download will be back with the Stockalyze soon.
General Discussion / Re: No. of liscense used
October 17, 2024, 03:54:03 PM
Hi Ambarish,
License number is not an issue. If you can't register anymore you can contact us and we will increase the license number.
To limit the problem I will recommend to uninstall the Stockalyze before formatting your machine. When you uninstall it is registered that the license count use is decreased.
I hope this is helpful. If you need any help please let me know.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Yahoo Update
October 17, 2024, 03:48:14 PM
Hi Nofri,
WE are aware about the problem and this problem has repeated recently. This time Yahoo has changed a lot and made it difficult to download. That's the reason it is taking some time.
There is a yfinance utility that downloads from Yahoo reliably. We are in process of integrating that to Stockalyze and that should solve this problem once and for all, hopefully.
Please have patience and in the meantime try to use other data providers bundled with the Stockalyze.
I hope Yahoo data download will be back with the Stockalyze soon.
Hi Albert,
Please update to latest Stockalyze. It has a fix for the problem you reported.
Hi Albert,
Thanks for reporting the issue. We are able to analyze it and it has already been fixed. We will release a next update soon, maybe tomorrow.
Please have patience.
Hi Albert,
Thank you for reporting. I am looking into this and will resolve it soon.
Please expect an update on this soon.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Yahoo Update
September 09, 2024, 03:27:23 AM
Hi Nofri,
We are aware about this situation and we are working on. Yahoo is making it more and more difficult for external applications to use it for data download purpose.
This is something not in out hand but we hope to fix at soon.
We will post it here when an update is available.
In the meantime, please try to use other data providers that are integrated in the Stockalyze. May be that will work for you.
General Discussion / Re: PAYMENT METHOD
June 22, 2024, 04:00:17 AM
Hi Gaiv,
You can use credit card or paypal to make the payment. If you want to use netbanking then use it to transfer money to your paypal account and then use that to make payment to purchase Stockalyze.
If you don't have a paypal account then you can create one, its easy and free.

I hope it helps.
Please let me know if you need any help.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Yahoo Update
June 20, 2024, 01:08:29 AM
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
Hi Huub,
I was travelling and so I wasn't able to respond earlier. I am working on it and I see that Yahoo is blocking data download from Stockalyze. The same request works from outside. I hope I will be able to resolve it soon.

I will let you know when it is resolved.

Hi Carlos,
Thank you for reporting this. I see that Yahoo has yet changed the way the historical data can be downloaded. Please try to use other data provider if possible. You can know how to do that in this page.

We will work on to resolve the Yahoo data download issue as soon as possible.

Hi Huub Poppelaars,
Unfortunately the answer to your first 2 questions are that the behavior is as expected and you did nothing wrong. If you think Composite Indicators should have these features then I can add them in new update.
The answer to the 3rd question is that it is possible to delete a composite indicator but not from within the Stockalyze. You need to delete a file at "%appdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\composites", the name of the file is same as the name of the composite indicator. After you delete this file you need to restart the Stockalyze to make it forget about the composite indicator.
I will add this feature in next update.
Yes, it is possible. Just right click on the backtest report and click on  'Export as CSV'. Done. :)

Please let me know if you face any issue.