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Messages - Sacha

General Discussion / Re: PAYMENT METHOD
June 22, 2024, 04:00:17 AM
Hi Gaiv,
You can use credit card or paypal to make the payment. If you want to use netbanking then use it to transfer money to your paypal account and then use that to make payment to purchase Stockalyze.
If you don't have a paypal account then you can create one, its easy and free.

I hope it helps.
Please let me know if you need any help.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Yahoo Update
June 20, 2024, 01:08:29 AM
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
A new update of Stockalyze is just released. Please update your installation. It should fix the yahoo download issue.
Hi Huub,
I was travelling and so I wasn't able to respond earlier. I am working on it and I see that Yahoo is blocking data download from Stockalyze. The same request works from outside. I hope I will be able to resolve it soon.

I will let you know when it is resolved.

Hi Carlos,
Thank you for reporting this. I see that Yahoo has yet changed the way the historical data can be downloaded. Please try to use other data provider if possible. You can know how to do that in this page.

We will work on to resolve the Yahoo data download issue as soon as possible.

Hi Huub Poppelaars,
Unfortunately the answer to your first 2 questions are that the behavior is as expected and you did nothing wrong. If you think Composite Indicators should have these features then I can add them in new update.
The answer to the 3rd question is that it is possible to delete a composite indicator but not from within the Stockalyze. You need to delete a file at "%appdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\composites", the name of the file is same as the name of the composite indicator. After you delete this file you need to restart the Stockalyze to make it forget about the composite indicator.
I will add this feature in next update.
Yes, it is possible. Just right click on the backtest report and click on  'Export as CSV'. Done. :)

Please let me know if you face any issue.
Hi Ravi,
I have increased your license count. Please try again.
I have increased your number of licenses. Please try again.
Hi Tony,
Sorry for late response. I had read your query but it slipped off my mind to respond earlier.
If I have understood your question correctly then you want to correct the exchange names of the stock symbols you had added to the Stockalyze. If that is so then please read on.

You don't actually need to manipulate the Stockalyze database. You can just delete the price-hist.lyzdb, it will get automatically created again, but before you do that you should close the Stockalyze first. This file is places in "%localappdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\data".
And before starting Stockalyze again then delete all files in "%appdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\yahoo_data_download\user_index". This path is for yahoo symbols, if you had added symbols for other data providers then change the path accordingly.
Now, start the Stockalyze and add your symbols again.

If you follow these steps then all the price history will be downloaded from start whenever they will be needed. In case you care about that or you want to take shortcuts you can do other things. Like instead of deleting all files in "%appdata%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\yahoo_data_download\user_index" you modify them, they are just text files. You can even create new files. You can copy the file names from "%programfiles(x86)%\Lunetek Stockalyze\data\yahoo_data_downloader".
You can freely delete the tables or their entries in price-hist.lyzdb. You can take backup of this file before you do that.

Please let me know if you need help.

Happy Stockalyzing.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: crash with text input
February 03, 2024, 04:53:25 PM
Hi Brain,
I am happy to let you know that we just released a new update that has the fix. Please try again and let us know if you have any issues.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: crash with text input
February 03, 2024, 01:27:12 PM
Hi Brian,
Thank you for reporting this issue. I am able to see the problem myself when I tried on Windows 11. So, please expect a fix soon. I will post you when we release an update containing the fix.
Hi Brian,
An email with the details of your transaction ID is sent. Please let us know if you need any other help.
General Discussion / Re: Buying
January 29, 2024, 04:19:04 PM
Hi Sachin,

Sorry to know that you are having problem in buying the license.

Can you please tell me what exact problem you are getting? I tried myself to see if there is a problem and I see the Paypal method is there and you can click on that to pay using paypal or credit card.

If you can post a screenshot or give details of the error you are getting we can forward the information to who handles our payment service.

I will wait for your response.