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Messages - Sacha

Your Kind Words / Re: Stockalyze made me happy
August 08, 2019, 08:16:09 AM
I am glad to see new happy users.

Keep Stockalyzing :)
Hi Raj,
Sorry for late response because I have been travelling for long.
Unfortunately the documentation in this regard was lacking but now I have updated it. You can go to to know how to find Stockalyze History Database file.

Please let me know if you have any more question.
I have bumped up your maximum allowed license count to 10. Please try again. You already had 8 licenses so it was bumped earlier too. But never mind please try again and let me know if you face any problem.
Sorry for late reply, I am travelling and so the delay.

Yahoo doesn't support realtime. As of now only Alphavantage can be used for intraday data. And the data is realtime without delay. You can plot 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 15min, 30min, and 60min intraday chart.

Backtest and alerts on intraday data are not supported yet but will soon be added.

Intraday will work for you if you had bought Stockalyze within last one year.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for reporting it. I have fixed it but I will make the fix available in next update only as it is not a terrible issue. I hope it works for you.
Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: indicator
July 25, 2019, 02:34:57 AM
Sure. But please let me first push the intraday feature out of the door and then I will add this indicator.
Please have patience till then. :)
Maybe you are using beta version. In any case if you are not using Yahoo data provider then please setup the api token for chosen data provider. For intraday you must setup alphavantage data provider. In the beta version there is a 'Setup Api Key' button on Symbol Selection Dialog (see attached). If the chosen data provider is not Yahoo then you must click on this button and provide the api token which you can get for free. Just follow the UI and you will get guided how to do that.
Please give it a try and let me know if you face any problem.
General Discussion / Re: Payment options
July 25, 2019, 02:22:47 AM
I can see you have already done the payment. Thank you for purchasing Stockalyze.
We use 2checkout for payment processing and it allows credit, and debit cards.
I am glad you were able to do the payment.
General Discussion / Re: details about intraday
July 25, 2019, 02:15:43 AM
Sorry for late response.
I am currently travelling and so the delay.

As of now intraday is available in beta version and it is available for all paid versions.
You can give it a try by downloading from, if you haven't already done so.

Please let me know if you need any help.

I have replied to your email:
I regret for inconvenience. But I will need some more information.

Are you getting this error for all stocks? Is it a new error, that is has it ever worked on this computer before?

Please give me as much info as you can. I assure you it will be fixed.

Please have patience.
Your Kind Words / Re: Stockalyze made me perfect
July 12, 2019, 04:33:20 AM
I am glad you liked it.
General Discussion / Re: Intra day
July 08, 2019, 07:49:33 AM
Good question. This is something we have not tested as of now. Our whole attempt was to implement intraday charting using free data source integrated with Stockalyze.
How do you use Stockalyze? You have intraday data in metastock format and want Stockalyze to show intraday charts? Do you have third-party data provider that keeps updating metastock data in realtime?
I can think of providing support of metastock data for intraday charts. Give me some use cases that will be helpful in implementing it.

New update of Stockalyze is going to have a much sought after feature, intraday charting (aka realtime charting). We are pleased to announce that intraday charting is beta ready. Please download beta version and give it a try.
Your suggestions and feedback are most welcome.
Yes, it can be. We are currently involved in implementing Intraday charting in Stockalyze. We may include it after that.

Thanks for suggesting.
Source of data are Yahoo, Alphavantage, and Tiingo. You can actually try Stockalyze completely free and see if it is what you want.

Please let me know if you need any help.