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Messages - Sacha

I have just created a demonstration video to explain how a complex Trading System can be defined in Stockalyze using Visual Trading System Editor without use of formula. My appologies for a lengthy video but it explains the power of Stockalyze. So, please do watch it here.

General Discussion / Re: Lite Mode Limitation
June 23, 2019, 09:43:02 AM
You should actually be able to add 5 items in a portfolio and watchlist.
If you want to add more or you want to create more than one portfolio or watchlist then please consider buying Pro Mode license.
You get the power of Stockalyze and also free support. And the cost of a pro mode license is not much.

Please let me know if you face any difficulty.
I am glad you are happy with the solution.

Thank you for reporting it. Please let me know if I can of any help. :)
It means you can install Stockalyze on 5 different machines. We allow this flexibility because you may need to format your computer or you can have multiple computers or any other reason. In total you can use 5 licenses. Please let me know if you need any other help.

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your patience. I have now fixed the issue and the beta build is available. Can you please try it and let me know how it goes?

Thanks and regards,
Hi Maurico,
Thanks for confirming that signals indeed were wrong. I checked myself and they were sometimes wrong. I have now fixed both the issues you reported. The unusual scale will not be present when you move to stock that has the required data. Please try the beta build from here and let me know. If all goes well it will become the official update.

Thanks for reporting it,
Hi Maurico,
Thank you for sending these files. I could see the "problem".
For the stock you don't see buy/sell signal, if you scroll towards left then you will see the signals on chart. So, most certainly it is the Trading System that is not generating signal for those duration that is visible on chart. Please confirm if you think there should be signals during that time as well.

Regarding dramatic change of scale. I see this problem but it is triggered by stocks like GUAR3, or HGLG11. Please allow me to explain.

When you change the stock in portfolio/watchlist view then it is NOT the default template that is used for new chart but an ad-hoc template is created from the previous chart and that is applied to new chart. It is done this way so that if you make any change in chart like resizing or adding any new indicator or any other change then that too is applied to new chart.

Now, in the case of GUAR3 or HGLG11, there isn't much data in last 6 months. You can check that by going to Quote Editor. When the stock with less data is selected then Stockalyze tries to show whatever little data is available into the full chart width and so the scale gets changed when such stock is selected. And since all chart parameters are applied to next stock you continue to see large scale even after selecting other stock.

I do see there is a problem but I will need to decide how exactly to fix it. I will take some time. In the meanwhile you can just apply the 6M zoom again when the scale is enlarged for the stock which has sufficient data.
Sorry for this lengthy explanation but I hope I have explained it clearly.
Thanks for reporting it. Any suggestion to improve would be welcome. :)

This looks very surprising. Can you please send me the portfolio file and I will try at my end?
Hi Tony,
I tried and I am able to reproduce this problem. Thank you for reporting. I will try fixing it soon. But this may take some time. Please have patience.

Sorry, I didn't get your question. Do you want to define your own Trading Systems?
Your Kind Words / Re: Stockalyze made me happy
June 14, 2019, 12:12:07 AM
Thank you for liking it
We have just added new lightning video to demonstrate how to plot indicator of another indicator on stock chart in Stockalyze.
Please have a look here and let us know if you have questions.
As we talked off the forum that there might not be many takers of programming aspect of these suggestions. But, yes some of your suggestions are something that we will brainstorm to incorporate into Stockalyze. Will keep you updated on our decision.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for this file. There was a small error in case of "Commission" present and that is no longer present in the latest uploaded beta version.
Regarding "Commission" not getting flushed, please report me if you see that problem again. I tried but it is always cleared.

Thanks again for giving your feedback. :)
Your Kind Words / Re: Stockalyze made me happy
June 10, 2019, 09:27:58 AM
I am glad you like Stockalyze.