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Messages - Sacha

General Discussion / Re: Import CSV?
March 26, 2019, 02:12:25 AM
As of now it is not. Do let me know your use case then I can think of adding this feature for general purpose use.
General Discussion / Re: Forex and Stockalyze
March 23, 2019, 10:43:52 AM
I haven't tried running Stockalyze on Linux.
Maybe I will give it a try. I did have a plan to support other platforms but didn't get time to make that work.
General Discussion / Re: Forex and Stockalyze
March 21, 2019, 04:15:37 PM
Thanks for your kind words. These things keep us motivated.

Regarding forex, Stockalyze doesn't have direct support. But it saves and reads price data from sqlite database which you can see for yourself. I haven't tried but if you create the required price history tables in the database then certainly Stockalyze can pick them up.

You can try opening the lyzdb file present at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Lunetek Software\Stockalyze\data and make modifications to see how stockalyze picks them.
I am open to help you on this.

Also, we are planning to open the SDK that can make it possible to add plugin for data provision. Would you be willing to develop plugin for forex data download?

Which stock quote you are looking for? Do you see the stock price available on Yahoo! finance website?
Thank you Charlie,
Many of the features of Stockalyze has been inspired from suggestions from users like you.

These kind words keep us motivated,
General Discussion / Re: Add Index?
November 06, 2018, 02:38:44 PM
Sorry, chart comparison feature is still not present.
We had a plan but it has not yet been worked upon.
Unfortunately the answer is no. Sorry.
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Registration
September 24, 2018, 02:48:12 PM
Sorry that I was unable to reply earlier. Situation was beyond my control and so I could not respond before.

Please try again, I have copied your license for new version as well. Please let me know if you face any problem.

General Discussion / Re: stock chart
September 24, 2018, 02:44:53 PM
Sorry, dividend data is not shown in Stockalyze.
General Discussion / Re: Exporting data
September 12, 2018, 01:55:08 AM
Sorry, it's not directly possible.
News and Updates / New update with new data provider
August 26, 2018, 02:09:30 PM
For quite some time some Stockalyze users were facing problems of data not getting updated. The reason was that Google had stopped it's free data service.
We have now retired Google data downloader and have added alpha-vantage as new data downloader.
So, as of now Stockalyze has Yahoo and AlphaVantage as data providers.
It is highly recommended to update Stockalyze to newest version.
Do you see this problem with other stocks too? In that case you can update your Stockalyze.

Please let me know if you still see this problem after updating.
General Discussion / Re: how to update charts??
August 21, 2018, 10:05:49 PM
The reason of the problem you are facing might be because you are using Google symbols. Google has stopped it's free data service and so please use Yahoo symbols.
Google has stopped it's free data service. Please use Yahoo symbols.
I have increased your number of licenses to 10. You can try again, it should be successful.
