Please review Stockalyze:


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Messages - Sacha

We suspect you are using old Stockalyze. Can you please download latest and install?
We have a plan to refresh stock lists but you can add your favorite symbol, if missing, on your own. it's actually pretty simple. Please try

General Discussion / Re: Forum Login
October 22, 2017, 11:17:50 PM
I think now you should be able to login.
General Discussion / Re: White candle
October 22, 2017, 11:10:49 PM
I guess you want to detect candlestick pattern. In the chart hit Ctrl+Shift+9 and select which pattern you want to detect. You can read details here:
Unfortunately scrip names of Yahoo and Google don't match. They match only for US and Canada stocks. For rest of the world they differ too much to make them source independent.
In your case to switch from Google to yahoo you can open alert_repo.xml in notepad and replace 'Google' by 'Yahoo!'.
But before you do this you should take backup of the file.  :)

Note: You can type %appdata%\Lunetek\Stockalyze in Run window to go to the directory where you can find the file I talked about.
Your Kind Words / Re: Stockalyze made me happy
October 17, 2017, 01:38:54 AM
Thank you.   :D
Hi KP,
Your issue is different. If quote editor shows complete data and chart does not show those data then most probably your periodicity of chart is not Daily. Please try to hit Ctrl+D and see if it makes any difference.

Please let me know if this resolves your issue.

This is a good suggestion. We will try to add this in next upgrade.

Yes, this is in plan. I will add a column to show winning percentage.
Generally you cannot. But, if you want to upgrade to perpetual then buy another subscription license and let me know, I will change the subscription to perpetual.
Thank you for reporting.
This problem has now been fixed.
Pleased update Stockalyze.
You just need to uninstall. It will reduce the count of license too.
Are you facing any problem?

General Discussion / Re: indicators
September 28, 2017, 03:47:57 PM
You can create a template and set the default template to avoid adding same indicator to all new charts. For detail you can read
General Discussion / Re: NEW SYMBOLS
September 25, 2017, 12:58:17 PM
If I understand your problem correctly you are trying to add new symbol to Stockalyze and it is not working.Can you please tell me what exact symbol you are trying to add and what exact error you are getting?
