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Messages - Sacha

News and Updates / Re: New Stockalyze has arrived
July 09, 2018, 01:47:08 AM
Sorry for late reply. I wasn't expecting response on this board.

Did you try downloading latest installer? Please try it and let me know if you still face problem.

General Discussion / Re: I have a question
July 06, 2018, 01:37:26 AM
Hi Kevin,
Stockalyze uses data from Google and Yahoo so you can directly get data from their website and no need to use Stockalyze for that. Stockalyze uses these data to help you analyze stocks.
I hope I have clarified your question.

Hi Tom,
I have sent response to all your emails sadly only one reached you. I am copying response below that I had last sent:
QuoteI am surprised. Anyways I have copied my response below, and sorry for all the hassle:

Please download afresh and try again.

I have also copied your license for new version. You are now eligible for new version of Stockalyze too without any charge.

Please try again and let me know if you face any problem.
Stockalyze Support
Let's be friends

On 27-06-2018 09:45, Tom Minto wrote:
> Thank you for your reply.
> I normallly use Thunderbird for my email which I checked for spam/trash etc and also checked webmail with no sign of your previous response even though I did get  your message as below.
> Could you please send your response to my alternative email namely
> Thanks very much.

One thing I realize is that I didn't send you email to your gmail account, I missed reading that line. I hope you will now be able to use Stockalyze in Pro mode.

Please don't hesitate to ask again if you need help.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Data Update
June 26, 2018, 01:03:36 AM
Stockalyze depends on data from Yahoo and Google, if the data on Google or Yahoo are not updated Stockalyze cannot show updated data.
If you are using Google symbol you can try using Yahoo symbol or vice versa.

We are planning to release data downloader SDK which can be used to add country and exchange specific plugins so that Stockalyze will use data directly from exchange. By any chance if you are programmer would you like to try that SDK?

Thank you for liking it. :)
Hi Isy,
Thank you for choosing Stockalyze.
As of now quick view of chart from portfolio is not present but this is something that has been asked earlier too and we are in plan of adding that.
May be we will let you know when first version of it is available.

I hope I will contact you soon about it.

It's a nice suggestion. We will think about it.

Feature & Enhancement Requests / Re: Add a Stock
June 06, 2018, 03:27:35 PM
Hi Shane,
You can add missing stock symbol on your own. Stockalyze allows adding and removing symbols. Please read It will hardly take a minute to add symbols on your own. Please let me know if you face any problem.

General Discussion / Re: Create a Trading System
June 06, 2018, 02:48:46 PM
"during" is used for the signals when you want an event to have occurred in last few days. For example suppose you want to create a system where buy signal will be generated if MACD gives buy signal but only when RSI too has given buy signal sometime in past 5 days. In that case you will add a condition for RSI to cross-over 30 during M=0 and N=5 days.
QuoteIt's saying CCI(10) of yesterday is less than 100 of today.
The "of today" is not necessary in this example.
Yes, "of today" is not needed in this case. But machine generated sentences are sometimes weird. :)
Hi Charlie,
Thank you for finding problem with TRIX trading system. It's definition was wrong. EMA(9) should have been applied on TRIX instead of Closing price. Next update will have updated definition.
Your suggested change can in fact be used too, but that will be another trading system. If you get good result of that trading system I will be glad to add that to Stockalyze. :)
I case you are interested the attached images show corrected definition of TRIX trading system.

Your Kind Words / Re: Best Software
June 06, 2018, 04:22:28 AM
Thanks for your encouraging words.
By cycle did you mean Cycle indicators? Stockalyze have them. If you meant something else then please elaborate, we will try to make it part of stockalyze.

I will have a look, I am currently away from my computer. But from the description it doesn't sound wrong. EMA(9) should be of TRIX itself rather than of closing price. So, TRIX should be the fast line.
I will have a look and let you know my findings.

General Discussion / Re: Create a Trading System
June 05, 2018, 12:02:25 AM
Yes. It is exactly that. Zero number of days before today is indeed today.

I am glad you are putting effort into understanding it. May I ask you a favor? In case you are native English speaker then can you please suggest to improve the wordings so that it will be easier to understand for others too?
I am open for suggestion to improve it and make it easier to understand.

General Discussion / Re: Create a Trading System
June 04, 2018, 06:30:32 PM
Hi Tony,
I am sorry to say your understanding is incorrect. X and Y are the days to take the offset of two data series used in  conditions. You can read it like this: Value of series-1 on X day before today is greater than value of series-2 on Y day before today. Of course assuming you selected "greater than" condition. So, suppose your signal needs a condition that RSI(10) of yesterday is greater than RSI(14) of today then series in left side will be RSI(10) and on right it will be RSI(14). But value of X will have to be 1 and Y to be 0 because you want to compare RSI(10) of yesterday with RSI(14) of today.
I hope I clarified it. Please let me know if you need any more help.

Hi Simon,
Thank you for choosing Stockalyze. I am glad that you found it easy to use. This is one of the design principles of Stockalyze to keep things simple. A lots of thought and effort have gone in making things simple.

Regarding your question about email notification; sorry it is not part of the program. Alerts are evaluated on your system only and that too when Stockalyze is running so email notification become unnecessary.
One improvement plan we have is to evaluate alert even when Stockalyze is not running and show alerts as system notifications. Assuming that is implemented will that something you would like?
