Stockalyze Features
Below is the list of some of top level features of Stockalyze.
Technical Chart
- Create charts.
- Add technical indicators to chart.
- Configure graphics of chart.
- Export Chart as image.
- Save Chart.
- Add annotations to chart.
- Add Signal Markers on chart using a Trading System.
- Find pattern in price movements, like head and shoulders, double-top, etc.
- Find candlestick patterns.
- Indicator and Template
- Create and apply templates.
- Create composite indicator also known as indicator of indicators.
Point and Figure Chart
- Create Point and Figure charts.
Trading Systems
- Create/modify Trading Systems.
- Back test Trading System.
- Scan stocks using Trading Systems and find stock ideas.
Portfolio, Watchlist, and Alerts
- Create/manage Portfolio and Watch lists.
- Create Alerts.
Stockalyze Help Manual